Category: Webinar

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Webinar: Evolution of Automation from RPA to Intelligent Automation & AI

EasyRPA: Industry Insights on Navigating AI and Automation In today’s fast-paced business environment, many companies struggle with starting their AI journey, implementing automation effectively, and setting clear goals. This is especially challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises lacking resources and in-house expertise. To address these concerns and provide actionable insights, IBA Group hosted a webinar

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Webinar: A Practical Approach to RPA Success (video)

IBA Group & Amplio Technologies hosted a webinar on a practical approach to deploying a value-unlocking automation programme. On the session, speakers also presented IBA’s enterprise-ready automation platform with no license fees, EasyRPA, designed for the development, running, and monitoring of software robots. Webinar timeline: 00:00 – 21:30 – Think Long Term, Deliver Value in

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